Modern Siding Options for Remodeling Your Home

You are one of many people looking for the latest options to side your home. Today, the array of choices general contractors in Duluth MN have to offer when it comes to exterior home siding is expansive. Grass sod blocks and animal hides were once the primary materials in home siding. The options were simple with a limited selection.

Today, companies that offer home remodeling in Duluth MN provide a wide assortment of siding types including vinyl siding, shingle siding, polymer shakes and polypropylene siding, aluminum siding, pultruded-fiberglass siding, steel siding and fiber cement siding, as well as hardwood and red cedar siding, panelized stone veneer siding, plywood siding, modified wood siding and engineered products of wood siding, which entails laminated veneer lumber and oriented strand board.


Design Options for Design/Builders: In-House Design

In the custom home industry we have two ways to build a home: the traditional bid and build model, or the design build approach. As design build firms, we have two ways as well: in-house and outsourced design. In-house design means the designer is actually on the firm’s staff, while outsourced design means a designer or architect works for another firm, or for themselves. Here, we’re going to talk exclusively about in-house design.

Benefits of In-House Design
Keeping design in-house allows for entire control of the creative, cost and delivery processes, ensuring homeowners of a better overall experience. From a practical standpoint, having a designer on staff means she or he has immediate access to other members of the team who can provide resources and cost feedback in short order. And because the design build firm will also manage the construction, great care is taken to ensure accuracy and completeness of the plans.


Design Options for Design/Builders: Partnering for Design

The design build model’s greatest strength is the single-source responsibility and accountability it offers to homeowners. But that single source is not one person, it’s the team that has been carefully put together to ensure a smooth and successful project. That’s why it’s imperative that contractors and designers work in partnership for the mutual benefit of everyone involved, including the homeowner. Contractors more often than not now find themselves in the position of “interviewing” and choosing designers, which represents a major role reversal in the industry.
